Call Detail
State of the Arts 2020
Visit Organization Website
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Entry Deadline: 10/20/20
Application Closed

Entry Fee (State of the Arts 2020): $35.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Call Type: Competitions
Eligibility: National
State: Kansas

State of The Arts 2020 is the R.G. Endres Gallery 14th annual juried competition held every year in October. Due to the current restrictions resulting from Covid-19, this year’s event will be held virtually. The show will be posted on Facebook and on the Art Council’s website at 

At this time, there will be no reception. Awards will be announced both on social media and on the website.


     $1,000 award for the R.G. Endres Best in Show (One Presented)
     $750 Merit Awards (Two Presented)
     $500 People’s Choice award (One Presented)
     $100 Honorable Mention Awards (Five Presented)   

2020 Timeline:
Submissions Open:                              Thursday, September 24th, 2020
Call Closes:                                                Tuesday, October 20th, 2020
Jury begins:                                           Wednesday, October 21st, 2020
Annoucment of finalist:                          Wednesday, October 28th, 2020
Show opens online:                                    Friday, November 13th, 2020
Voting for peoples choice award opens:     Friday, November 13th, 2020
Voting for Peoples choice award closes: Sunday, November 22nd, 2020
Annoucement of winners:                      Monday, Novemnber, 23rd, 2020

Open to all Artists, 18 years of age or older.

2D & 3D Artwork of any media, except for photography, is acceptable. Artwork must be original, not more than 2 years old, not done in a class or under supervision of another artist, and not copied from published photos or from photos taken by others without their written permission. If copyright infringement is discovered the artwork will be disqualified. (The Prairie Village Arts Council host an international  photography show in April of every year.)

Three entries allowed per artist. Entry fee of $35 for 1 to 3 entries. Fees are non-refundable. No more than one piece of art per artist will be selected by the juror for the show. 

The Sales Commission to the Gallery is 40%. All work MUST be for sale . Prices listed on the entry form are binding and cannot be changed after submission to the show is made. All sales will be online through the Gallery's website. Artist will be resposible for sending the piece to the buyer. (Please account for this in your sale price.)

Our Juror:

Dr, Lori Phillips. 

Dr. Lori Phillips is currently a painter and mixed media artist in Honolulu Hawaii.  She is passionate about putting to canvas the color and vibrancy of the world around her. She has been creating and art since 1980, but her real love is teaching.Lori has taught painting in classrooms and colleges for 40 years.    
Lori directs the National Endowment for the Arts Pacific Territories Programs, working with the arts councils throughout the Pacific. In this role, she has created and produced more then 20 arts education teaching resources for the use in school classrooms. While doing so, she has traveled and painted extensively and juried more than 24 art exhibits worldwide.
Lori holds a Doctorate in Arts Education from the University of Hawaii.  She currently serves as a professor in arts education in the Pacific region, training teachers in the state of Hawaii and Micronesia.    Dr. Lori Phillips is delighted to have the opportunity to share her love of visual art and writing and to act as a juror for the upcoming show! 

Application Requirements

Eligibility Criteria