Entry Deadline: 5/1/20 Application Closed Number of Applications Allowed: 3
Work Sample Requirements Images |
Minimum:Min. 1,
Maximum:Max. 3
Video |
Minimum:Min. 0,
Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples |
Minimum:Min. 1,
Maximum:Max. 6
Call Type: Public Art Eligibility: Regional State: Colorado
Submission requirements:
Regional artists are invited to submit up to three different pieces to be considered for AOTM. Please submit up to three images (or drawings) for each piece proposed.
Images should be soley the work you are proposing to display (not examples of other work you have created in the past). Thanks.
The Art in Public Places Commission is seeking to display unique, original artwork of a diverse range and media. All artwork must be size/scale appropriate to available space; work will be installed in predetermined spaces selected by the panel. No additional lighting will be provided for any of the artwork.
The selection panel will consider the following criteria in its review of submitted artwork: artistic merit, appropriateness, durability, uniqueness, compatibility with an available site, and safety. Sculptural submissions for out of doors installation must be durable and able to handle extreme weather conditions, including intense sunlight, high winds, hail, and freezing temperatures mixed with ice and snow. All work must be tolerant of direct sunlight/sun exposure and considerations will not be made for individual pieces that may fade. Artists may submit work that is completed and available to be installed summer 2020.
*program subject to change*
Select artists will receive a stipend of $1,000 per piece after delivery and installation of the artwork. The City of Longmont will be responsible (physically and financially) for installation of all artwork. The artist is responsible for completing a City contract, submitting installation plans prior to scheduling delivery, providing specialty hardware, transport of the artwork for installation and de-installation following the terms of the contract. The City will not be responsible for storing packaging through the duration of the loan.
Submissions will accepted exclusively through callforentry.org
All submissions must include the following information:
Up to three different works of art available, and a maximum of three (3) images of each piece.
Letter of interest and/or artists statement (limit 400 words, please).
Resume or CV.
Annotated image list with the following: title, year, medium/materials, dimensions of artwork, current location (if applicable), value, close approximate weight of piece, date of availability (if appropriate)
Dimensions of artwork/base; preferred/intended installation method for each piece must be included. A sketch or photo with dimensions is preferred.
Packaging dimensions (if applicable)
Equipment requirements for delivery and installation
Contact information with name, physical address, email address, phone, and website.
Extended Timeline:
February – Call to artists opens
May 1 - NEW Submission deadline.
May – Selection process
May – Artist notification, contracts distributed and completed, installation scheduling.
Summer – All artwork delivered and installed
Summer – Celebration
June 2021 – Loaned artwork period ends; Art de-installed and artwork returned to artists.
**timeline subject to change**
Citizens and visitors appreciate the Art on the Move program as it provides an opportunity to view and experience a variety of new artworks each year. Art in Public Places celebrates Art on the Move as a successful program introducing dynamic artists to Longmont each year!
Artwork must be durable and able to withstand all weather conditions and indoor work must be tolerant to natural light and interaction with the public. All media will be considered; however, all work submitted for review must adhere to available space criteria. Locations will be chosen by the selection committee from the pool of available works.
A diverse selection of works will be chosen for Art on the Move in 2020-2021:
Potential locations:
St. Stephen’s Plaza (up to five at this site): On each of three pedestals, 39” diameter, circular steel plates have been installed on concrete; each is the same size. Two of the pedestals are concrete and may be drilled into to secure artwork.
Longmont Waste Diversion Center: 6” steel base.
Kensington Park along Third Avenue: Concrete pedestal(s) or steel base.
Library/Civic Center Plaza (1): 20” x 32” Concrete pedestal.
THIS Contract is between the City of Longmont, Colorado, a municipal corporation (“City”), and (“Artist”), whose address is ADDRESS
WHEREAS, the City of Longmont Art in Public Places Commission (“AIPP”) has selected a [Type category of art Artwork, i.e., sculpture, installation, etc] by the Artist to be installed at [Type location where art Artwork will be installed] (the “Site”) as part of the City’s art on loan program (also known as the “Art on the Move Program”), and
WHEREAS, the Artist is willing to loan such artwork to the City on the terms hereinafter set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:
1. The Artist agrees to deliver to the Site [Type description of Artwork, ] known as [Title of Artwork,] (hereafter the “Artwork”).
2. The City agrees to pay the Artist $[Type money amount City has agreed to pay the Artist, i.e., $1,000] on delivery of the Artwork.
3. The loan period is from [Type beginning date of loan period,] to [Type end date of loan period, ].
4. The Artist is responsible for all costs of materials and workmanship for the delivered Artwork.
5. Care and Conservation.
a. The City will give the Artwork care which is reasonable and prudent to guard against loss, damage or deterioration.
b. Evidence of damages at the time of receipt or while in the possession of the City will be reported immediately to the Artist. However, it is also understood by the Artist and the City that the Artwork is subject to gradual deterioration for which neither party is responsible.
c. No alteration, restoration or repair will be undertaken without the written consent of the Artist.
d. The Artist represents that the Artwork is in such condition as to withstand ordinary strains of packing and transportation, installation and deinstallation, and exhibition at the Site for the duration of this Contract. The Artist shall inform the City of any defects or weaknesses in the object(s).
e. As soon as practical and before exhibition, condition reports, if required, shall be made on all incoming loans and compared against the Artist’s condition reports. Deviations will be noted and the Artist shall be notified. Condition reports will again be completed on objects before they are returned to the Artist, if required.
f. Artist represents that the Artwork will be durable in order to withstand exhibition under conditions outlined in this Contract. Any weathering deterioration as a result of exhibition shall be Artist’s responsibility.
6. Packing and Transportation of Artwork.
a. Artist is responsible for the packing (crating) and transportation of the Artwork to the Site for installation and for the packing (crating) and transportation of the Artwork upon deinstallation. Artist will ensure that the Artwork is delivered to the Site no more than three days prior to the beginning of the loan period and shall have the Artwork removed from the Site no more than three days after the end of the loan period. The City will not be responsible for items left after the loan period ends.
b. The City shall reimburse the Artist for reasonable packing (crating) and transportation expenses to and from the Site.
c. The Artist shall submit estimated packing (crating) and transportation costs to the City upon request.
d. The City is not responsible for loss or damage to the Artwork during packing (crating) or transportation to and from the Site.
7. Installation and Deinstallation.
a. The City will be responsible for the installation and deinstallation of the Artwork at its sole cost and expense.
b. The City will make all reasonable efforts to install the Artwork in accordance with the Artist’s specifications, which shall be provided to the City upon request.
8. Insurance.
a. The Artwork will be insured by the City in the amount of $[Type amount Artwork to be insured for,]. The Artist shall notify the City of any change in the value while the object is on loan to the City so that the object may be properly insured.
9. Sale of Artwork While on Loan.
a. The City neither sells nor brokers the sale of art. The Artwork is privately owned by the Artist and may be available for sale by the Artist.
b. Artist agrees that, in the event the Artwork is sold during the loan period, the Artwork shall remain on loan to the City and on exhibit through the end of the loan period.
c. The City will return Artwork only to the Artist upon the conclusion of the loan period. It is the responsibility of the Artist to deliver any Artwork sold to a purchaser.
d. The City is not entitled to a commission for any sales of the Artwork while it is on loan to the City.
e. The City is not the Artist’s agent. The City may, but is not obligated to, refer patrons to the Artist or his/her representative. There will be no price tags of any kind permitted on the Artwork or on any of the publicity materials that may be printed by the City to promote the Artwork.
10. Reproduction Rights and Credit Line.
a. Artist agrees that the City or a photographer engaged by the City may take photographs of Artwork while on loan for the purposes of 1) documentation of the condition of the Artwork; 2) documentation of the Artwork as it appears on exhibit; and 3) marketing and promotion of the Art on the Move Program or the Art in Public Places program.
b. Artist agrees that the City may publish two-dimensional photographic reproductions of the Artwork in print and electronically for the purposes of promotion.
c. The City agrees to provide identification of the Artwork at the site of exhibition, consisting of Artist’s name and title of Artwork.
11. The Artist shall perform all work under this Contract as an independent contractor and not as an agent or employee of the City. The Artist shall not be supervised by any employee or official of the City nor shall the Artist exercise supervision over any employee or official of the City. The Artist shall not represent he is an employee or agent of the City in any capacity. The Artist is not entitled to City worker's compensation benefits and is obligated to pay state and federal income tax on money earned pursuant to this Contract. This Contract is not exclusive; the Artist may contract with other parties.
12. Artist represents s/he has exclusive right, title and interest in the Artwork and its design and will defend and indemnify City, AIPP and the employees of each from any claim or cause of action based upon a claim of a right, title or interest in the Artwork or its design.
13. The administrator for this Contract shall be the AIPP Administrator. Whenever this Contract requires notice to be given to or by the City, or any determination or action to be made by the City, the AIPP Administrator represents and acts for the City.
14. The Artist shall obey all federal, state, and City statutes, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the performance of the Artist’s services under this Contract.
15. No alteration, change, amendment, or modification of the terms of this Contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties and approved by appropriate action of the City.
16. This Contract, regardless of where executed or performed, shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of Colorado. Venue and jurisdiction for any court action filed regarding this Contract shall be in Boulder County Colorado.
17. None of the terms or conditions in this Contract shall give or allow any claim, benefit, or right of action by any third person not a party hereto. Any person other than the City or the Artist receiving services or benefits under this Contract shall be only an incidental beneficiary.
18. The provisions of the Contract shall be construed as to their fair meaning, and not for or against any party based upon any attributes to such party of the source of the language in question.
19. No representations, agreements, covenants, warranties, or certifications, express or implied, exist as between the parties, except as specifically set forth in the Contract.
20. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications which are required or permitted to be given under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be duly given upon delivery, if delivered personally or sent by certified mail return receipt requested, postage prepaid as follows:
AIPP Administrator
400 Quail Road
Longmont, Colorado 80501
21. No waiver of a breach or default under the Contract is a waiver of any other or subsequent breach or default.
22. All financial obligations of the City under this Contract are contingent upon appropriation, budgeting, and availability of specific funds to discharge such obligations. Nothing in this Contract shall be deemed a pledge of the City's credit, or a payment guarantee by the City to the Artist. If appropriated funds are not available, both parties shall be relieved of their obligations hereunder.
23. The Artist shall fully indemnify and hold the City harmless from all claims, actions, suits, liability, losses, costs, expenses and/or damages of any kind whatsoever which may occur to or be suffered by any person arising out of or in connection with any activities undertaken pursuant to this Contract, except only for those losses resulting solely from the negligence of the City. Upon commencement of any such suit or action against the City, the Artist shall provide prompt notice to the City, and shall defend the same at her own cost and expense. If a judgment shall be rendered against the City in such an action or suit, Artist shall fully satisfy the judgment within ninety (90) days after the same has been conclusively determined.
24. This Contract may be terminated at the sole discretion of the City for any violation by the Artist of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including the reduction or discontinuance of the services identified herein.
25. This Contract is personal to the parties hereto, and Artist shall make no assignment of this Contract to any other person or entity without written consent of the AIPP Administrator and the Longmont City Council.
26. This Contract shall be binding upon, and shall inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto, their successors and assigns.
27. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract and pursuant to section 38-14-106 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given of the provisions of section 38-14-103 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Copies of sections 38-14-103, 38-14-104 and 38-14-106 of the Colorado Revised Statutes are attached hereto.