Call Detail
Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado
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Entry Deadline: 3/20/20
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 8
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 6, Maximum:Max. 8
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Local
State: Colorado

Qualifications are requested from artists interested in creating an exterior public artwork for the
Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado in Grand Junction, Colorado.

In 1862, President Lincoln signed into law legislation authorizing the establishment of national cemeteries. After the Civil War, search and recovery teams visited hundreds of battlefields, churchyards, plantations and other locations seeking wartime interments that were made in haste. By 1870, the remains of nearly 300,000 Civil War dead were re-interred in 73 national cemeteries.

In 1873, Congress extended the right of burial in a national cemetery to all honorably discharged Union veterans of the Civil War. By a 1933 Executive Order, certain national cemeteries were transferred from the War Department (now the Department of the Army) to the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior. In June 1973, Public Law 93-43 authorized the transfer of 82 national cemeteries from the Department of the Army to the Veterans Administration, now the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This action combined the 82 army cemeteries with 21 cemeteries already under the VA.

In 1978, Congress established the State Cemetery Grants Program (Public Law 95-476). Administered by the National Cemetery Administration to aid States and U.S. territories in the establishment, expansion and improvement of veterans cemeteries, the State Cemetery Grants Program complements the National Cemetery Administration by providing gravesites for veterans in those areas not adequately served by national cemeteries.

 The Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado was authorized by the Colorado Legislature in 1999 to honor Colorado veterans. Construction began in June, 2001 and was completed on September 4, 2002. The Cemetery officially opened on September 5, 2002. The Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado is located on ~ 22.5 acres in Grand Junction, Colorado and currently has 6662 interment spaces. Included are; 3957 spaces for casketed burials, 1736 spaces for cremation burial, 1869 columbarium wall niches, also for cremated remains. In addition, there are 775 memorial garden plots available for veterans whose remains were not recovered, or scattered. 

The Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado is intended to be a dignified final resting place for Colorado. There are memorial walks on either side of the creek running northeast to southwest through the Cemetery. These walks pass by numerous columbaria in front of which are benches for visitors. There are landscaped areas for in-ground interments that are characterized by thoughtful placement of trees, shrubs, and other plantings. These areas provide additional places for individual reflection. The Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado conveys the appreciation of the people of Colorado to its veterans for answering the call of duty and faithfully and honorably serving the United States of America and the State of Colorado.

BUDGET: $14,000
All costs associated with the public art project including, but not limited to, artist design fee, structural engineering, insurance, materials, fabrication, transportation, installation, building or site modifications, travel to and from the site, per diem expenses, project documentation, contingency to cover unexpected expenses and any other costs related to the project are covered by this budget.

The Art Selection Committee is looking for an artwork that creates a peaceful and contemplative environment for visitors to the Veterans Memorial Cemetery, which they feel can best be achieved by incorporating the sounds of an electronic carillon. Originally carillons were made of twenty-three bronze bells that were played by a carilloneur on a unique “keyboard” consisting of paddles or batons and foot pedals. In German, a carillon is called a glockenspiel. In French, carillon means “four bells. Today’s electronic carillons provide an incredible range of bell sounds that rival bronze bells and peals. These automated systems replicate the sound of a carillon and amplify bell sounds, which are then played from loudspeakers. There are a variety of companies that produce these electronic carillon systems – details and links can be found below.

 The Committee would like to see artists whose work could be an artistic visualization of the electronic carillon. Possibilities include sculptural interpretations of historic carillons, bells, or works that address the historic usage of carillons and/or their connection to the military. As well, works that celebrate or articulate an appreciation for military service would be successful for this location. The targeted site for the visual component of the artwork is the existing Committal Service Shelter, which is centrally located within the Cemetery’s complex. The combination of the visual artwork and the carillon music will create a peaceful environment for veterans, their families, and the general public as they visit the Cemetery grounds.

The Selection Committee will consider the following:
·         Thematic appropriateness
·         Artistic excellence
·         Compatibility with the incorporation of an electronic carillon system
·         Resistance to general wear, vandalism, or theft
·         Ease of maintenance

Artists from the Western Slope and/or artists who are veterans or military service members are encouraged to apply.

More images and full RFQ available here.

All applications for this project are being accepted through the online platform, CaFÉ™ ( ). No hard copy or emailed submissions will be accepted. The applicant will be asked to submit digital images of art (see below for more information), a resume, and a brief statement of interest. There is no application fee to apply or to use the CaFÉ™ online application system. Assistance in using the CaFÉ™ system is available during regular business hours by calling 303-629-1166, 1-888-562-7232 or email

Digital Images. In order to be considered for this project, the applicant must electronically submit, via the CaFÉ™ system, no less than six (6) and no more than eight (8) digital images of previously completed artworks. Instructions on how to use CaFÉ™ and format images can be found at

Resume: Submit a current résumé, via CaFÉ™, that outlines professional accomplishments as an artist.

Statement of Interest: A statement of interest of 250 words or less must be submitted via CaFÉ™. It should briefly outline the interest in the specific opportunity and applicable experience.

In 1977, the Colorado General Assembly passed the Art in Public Places Act requiring that 1% of the construction costs of new or renovated state-owned buildings be used to acquire works of art for permanent installation at the project site. Colorado Creative Industries is responsible for implementation of the law. All works of art commissioned pursuant to this request are owned by the State of Colorado via the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado. De-accession of the public art, if necessary, will follow the policies and procedures established by Colorado Creative Industries.

The Art Selection Committee will review all complete submittals. A short list of semifinalists will be invited to prepare and present a final proposal in person and be paid an honorarium of $1,000. Final selection(s) will be made from these proposals. The schedule is as follows:

Friday, March 20, 11:59 pm MST - Deadline for receipt of submittal via CaFÉ™ system
April 2020– Selection committee meets to select Semi-Finalists
April 2020 - Notification of Semi-Finalist selection
May/June 2020 – Artist presentations to the Art Selection Committee
May/June 2020 – Artist selected

If you require more information or clarification, please contact Ruth Bruno, Public Art Program Manager, at 303-892-3813 or



Application Requirements

Eligibility Criteria