Application Closed
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 10
Eligibility: Unspecified
State: Colorado
Scope and Project Description
Two locations have been identified for public artwork installations. Artists may apply to one or both of these projects; however, these RFQs will be released and reviewed separately under the names of City of Loveland: 37th Street Roundabout and City of Loveland: 37th Street Bridge. Both projects are open to any professional artist (or artist team) with demonstrated experience in creating signature artwork of a large scale.
37th Street Roundabout: This 110’ diameter, single-lane roundabout was completed in fall 2019 and will be available for sculpture installation by late spring 2020. The location is at the intersection of Monroe Street and 37th Street in northeast Loveland.
Application Process
The Commission is requesting qualifications and professional samples of past public artworks in order to be considered for this project. From this RFQ, up to three finalists may be selected to present design concepts for this project. Finalists will be paid an honorarium to develop and present their artwork design concepts. Please do not submit proposals to this RFQ as those proposals will be removed from the jury process.
All applications must be submitted through (the CAFÉ website at: and must include:
- a preliminary statement of approach for the project which communicates experience with projects of similar scope and scale
- at least 5 images of fabricated and installed public artwork completed within the past five years which highlight your previous accomplishment(s) with public art installations of similar appropriate scale. No more than 2 images per project are permitted. Do not submit images of past proposals that have not been executed. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 images
- your professional resume specifically highlighting public artwork commissions and/or sculpture installations
- 3 professional references
Design Components for Selected Finalists
The City’s Visual Arts Commission seeks artwork design concepts that are intended for installation within an outdoor setting that meets the following preferences:
• reflects the animals and plant life of the northern CO plains (design does not have to be representational)
• design concepts that work “in the round”
• makes use of silhouetted or negative space
• easily identifiable from a distance (will not require close-up inspection)
• suitable for general public viewing
• design could not be construed as traffic or wayfinding signals
Pedestrian access to the roundabout is not desirable; therefore, the sculpture should have an immediate visual impact that does not require an “up close and personal” inspection of the art. The sculpture will be located in the line of sight for motorists and passersby. The scale of the art should be appropriate to the scale of the site.
Selected finalists may present sculpture(s) within their inventory provided there is no other work in that edition installed within a 60-mile radius of the installation site. .
A maximum of $25,000 has been allocated for the roundabout sculpture to include design, fabrication, insurance, installation, travel, contingency and incidental costs. The City of Loveland reserves the right to withdraw from the project prior to such time as a contract is formally entered into with the Artist. Contract provisions will apply subsequent to the agreement by both parties.
Artwork Jury Overview
- City staff will oversee operations and administer the decisions of the jury panel.
- Artwork Selection Panel: Members of City of Loveland Visual Arts Commission, one Public Works representative and 4-5 Loveland residents will serve as jurors for the project.
- Each finalist will present a scaled maquette as well as additional information the artist feels appropriate for the jury panel’s review.
- A detailed budget will be required of finalists. The detailed budget must include all expenditures in connection with the execution of the project. (Prior to submitting a proposal, it is recommended that artists prepare such a budget to ensure the project can be executed as presented.)
- The selected artist/artist team will enter into a contract with the City of Loveland and will be required to carry general liability insurance of $1 million, and execute the design as presented. Stamped, engineered drawings are required prior to acceptance and installation.
- The selected artist/artist team will work closely with Cultural Services and Public Works throughout the project timeline to ensure Public Works’ requirements are met.
Selection Criteria
The primary criteria for selection:
- Assigned Personnel: Do the person(s) working on the project have the necessary skills to execute the project? Has the artist/artist team completed on time and on budget a project of similar scope? Are there sufficient people with the requisite skills assigned to the project
- Scope of Proposal: Does the proposal show an understanding of the project objective, appropriate scale and desired results?
- Materials: Are the materials safe and durable enough for the Colorado climate (including winds of up to 120/mph)?
- Aesthetics: Does the artwork meet the aesthetic preferences as stated within the RFQ
- Availability: Can the work be completed within an acceptable timeframe?
Project completion date will be determined jointly by the artist and the Visual Arts Commission.
Reminder: Two locations have been identified for pubic artworks installations. Artists may apply to one or both of these projects. Please see the City of Loveland: 37th Street Bridge RFQ (details below) if you are interested in applying for that portion of the project as well. Both projects are open to any professional artist (or artist team) with demonstrated experience in creating signature artwork of a large scale.
37th Street Bridge Features: A pedestrian walkway and railing on the each side of the bridge are possible locations for public art. The bridge will feature sidewalks and bike lanes along both sides of the traffic lanes. Additionally, artwork may be attached to the top of the pillars and 1” recesses along the length of the bridge. Construction will be completed in June 2020. Surface length: 90’ each side; 180’ total. Budget: $35,000