Call Detail
College Station Artist in Residence, Summer 2021
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Entry Deadline: 3/7/21
Application Closed

Entry Fee (College Station Artist in Residence, Summer 2021): $25.00
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Call Type: Residencies
Eligibility: National
State: Texas

Who is Eligible?
• Any current student enrolled in a visual arts program at a community college or university, or a graduate of a visual arts program at a community college, four year university, or master’s program in the past year.
• Applicants must be visual artists who concentrate in one of the following areas:  
  • 2-D Mixed media - Includes collage and handmade paper, incorporates more than one type of material, and has a relief depth of less than 1/8 inch.
  • 3-D Mixed media - Works with more than 1/8 inch of relief depth - This category is for objects that are "decorative" rather than "useful".
  • Drawing - Pencil, charcoal, chalk, pastels, etc.
  • Painting - Oil, acrylics, etc. 
  • Photography – Film or digital photography.
  • Sculpture - all media
  • Watercolor - Layered and pigmented water-based media including; acrylic, gouache, tempera and transparent watercolors applied to archival acid-free stock or handmade papers.
• Applicants must be available to live in College Station from mid-May to mid-August 2021.
• Applicants must have a reliable vehicle and insurance.
• Applicants must be able to pass a background check.

What does The Arts Council offer?
• An unfurnished two-bedroom apartment from mid-May through mid-August 2021 rent-free, generously donated by Twin City Properties.
• Access to a studio space in which to create new works.
• A $500 stipend to assist with supply purchases, utilities, and groceries.
​• Mentorship sessions with area artists on how to install an exhibit, how to conduct sales and manage your financial affairs as an independent artist, and continuing education.
• A solo show and opening in a local gallery organized and funded by The Arts Council.
What is required of the artist?
• Living Arrangements
  • The artist must live in College Station from mid-May to mid-August.
  • The artist will be provided a rent-free apartment, but is responsible for the payment of any utilities, cable TV, or internet.
  • The artist is responsible for the upkeep of the apartment and must pay a deposit.
  • The artist must be the sole occupant of the apartment; exceptions may be made for spouses or families. The artist may bring pets approved by the apartment complex, but the artist must pay the pet deposit.
  • The artist may store artwork in the apartment but should not paint in the apartment.
  • The artist must pass a background check prior to offer.
  • No travel costs to or from College Station will be provided.
  • The apartment is unfurnished and the artist is responsible for bringing/acquiring any furniture or accessories required.
• Producing Work
  • The Arts Council will organize a studio space for the artist to use during their residency free of charge.  The artist is responsible for following all facility use policies of the space. Should the space not meet the requirements of the artist, they will be responsible for securing their own studio space.
  • The artist must be able to install and deinstall their exhibition, as well as attend the opening.  The Arts Council will work with the artist to coordinate schedules.
  • No more than 25 percent of the exhibition may be work created prior to the artist’s residency.
• Mentorship
  • The artist in residence may attend up to 3 meetings with professional artists and/or business members on the following topics: how to install an exhibit, how to conduct sales and manage your financial affairs as an independent artist, and continuing education. Mentors will be chosen after a consultation on the artist’s interests with the Program Director.
• Shows
  • The artist will have the opportunity to have a solo show at a local gallery.
  • Selling pieces is not required, but any pieces for sale in the show will be split 70%(Artist)/30%(The Arts Council).  Any pieces sold via credit card with have 2.5% of the price deducted from the artist's commission.
  • Artist is responsible for hanging the show and teardown.
• Submission, Deadlines, & Interviews
  •  All materials must be received by Sunday, March 7, 2021 through the Call for Entry application.
  • Any questions should be directed to
  • Final applicants will be selected for an interview with the selection committee. Interviews may be done via phone or webcam at the discretion of The Arts Council.
  • Final decisions will be made no later than mid-April.

Application Requirements

Eligibility Criteria