Application Closed
Entry Fee (Current TPS Member Entry Fee): $25.00
Entry Fee (Non-Member Entry Fee ): $30.00
Media Fee(Fee Per Image Over Minimum): $6.00
1 Year Student Membership - optional: $20.00
3 Year Student Membership - optional: $48.00
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 12
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 12
Eligibility: International
State: Texas
Texas Photographic Society is excited to present our online, open-themed collegiate student photo competition. Submissions from college undergraduate, graduate and continuing education students of all skill levels are encouraged. Students may submit up to 12 images and each image will be judged independently. CASH PRIZES will be awarded!
Exciting New Prize! A Fujifilm X-E4 Kit with XF27mm F2.8 R WR lens, courtesy of Fujifilm USA, will also be awarded to the first place winner. See details below.
The exhibition will be juried by Eric T. Kunsman, Lecturer in Visual Communications Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology. For more details, see the Juror's Statement and Bio below.
For this exhibition, I want to see how 2020 has changed your perception, vision, and conceptual approach to your photographic process. Whether you are using a film/digital camera, making photograms, utilizing an alternative process, creating artist books, or projecting text onto your subject and then burning the final print, I want to see it. The year 2020 has forced all of us to think differently about our lives, careers, relationships, and what photography means to us. I DO NOT want to see strictly COVID-19 experience photography, but rather how you have challenged and grown your visual practice during this time. That leaves the door open for photographs that are personal in nature using traditional, experimental, text and imagery, or historical processes.
I do not want you to feel you need to submit work that is safe or follows the photographs that I produce. When I jury exhibitions, I am often looking to discover work that challenges my aesthetics and conceptual constraints beyond my own practice. I want to be excited like the kid in a candy store, discovering new ideas and concepts as I view your work.
The work must contain a personal connection that brings the viewer into your conceptual ideas with a sense of enlightenment. Often, this is not the work you create for classes but rather for yourself. This past year has provided us the time to create our own photography with plenty of raw personal emotion.
No matter the process that you utilize in your image practice; I want to see work that you are excited to put out into the world. In the end, you need to be excited about the ownership of your submission.
— Eric T. Kunsman
01-19-21 Call for entry opens
04-26-21 Deadline for entry (11:59 pm MST)
05-14-21 Exhibiting artists announced and online gallery opens
First Place = $300+ a Fujifilm X-E4 camera kit with XF-27mm F2.8 R WR lens (courtesy of FujifilmUSA, see details below)
Second Place = $200
Third Place = $100
Up to 5 Honorable Mentions may be awarded
The juror will select 50 images for the online exhibition. The selected images and student artists will be showcased on our website gallery and promoted to our extended TPS community including members and photo/social media contacts.
The entry fee for Current TPS Student Members is $25 for 5 images, plus $6 for each additional image. The Non-Member entry fee is $30 for 5 images, plus $6 for each additional image. You may enter up to 12 images. You do not have to be a member of TPS to enter. However, you may enter the competition, join TPS or renew as a member at the same time and pay the Current TPS Student Member entry fee of $25.
TPS Student Member Benefits - Annual $20 Student Memberships include Member feature opportunities via our Members' Gallery, Member Spotlight, Members' News, Members' Instagram Takeover, social media accounts and E-Zine, entry fee discounts to all competitions and discounts to programs and services offered through our partnerships.
All entry and membership fees are nonrefundable. Note: as this is an online show, you will not incur any additional expenses for printing, framing or shipping.
#NewVisions2021: A Student Exhibition is open to college students at least 18 years old who are enrolled in a college credit course (both undergraduate and graduate) or continuing education/noncredit course. All skill levels are encouraged to apply. Any photographic-based work is welcome including digital, silver, alternative processes, mixed media incorporating photography, collage and book arts. Works exhibited previously in a TPS exhibition are not eligible.
All entries must be submitted via CaFÉ. Need help resizing images? Go here.
Please submit JPG files only, minimum of 1200 pixels on the longest side and 5 MB maximum. For each image you will need to provide the image title and the process used (Archival Digital Print, Silver Gelatin Print, Platinum/Palladium Print, Wet Plate Collodian, etc.)

Eric T. Kunsman was born and raised in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. While in high school, he was heavily influenced by the death of the steel industry and its place in American history. The exposure to the work of Walker Evans during this time hooked Eric onto photography. Eric had the privilege to study under Lou Draper, who became Eric’s most formative mentor. He credits Lou with influencing his approach as an educator, photographer, and contributing human being.
Eric holds his MFA in Book Arts/Printmaking from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia and holds an MS in Electronic Publishing/Graphic Arts Media, BS in Biomedical Photography, BFA in Fine Art photography all from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York.
Currently, he is a photographer and book artist based out of Rochester, New York. Eric works at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) as a Lecturer for the Visual Communications Studies Department at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf and is an adjunct professor for the School of Photographic Arts & Sciences.
X-E4 brings the best of the legendary X Series products together into one camera that is the perfect storytelling tool for everyday photographers, videographers, and content creators who want results to be proud of. This lightweight, compact camera features the same 26.1-megapixel, X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor, 0.02 sec autofocus, and fantastic color science that can be found in the professional X Series cameras, but makes these features easily accessible to everyone. Outstanding image quality, wide dynamic range, and superb low-light performance combined with simple controls, advanced Face and Eye Detection, and a 180° forward-tilting LCD touchscreen make this camera a joy to use. So, whether you’re making professional-quality photos, 4K/30p video or super-slow motion, Full HD/240p footage, you can be sure the process will be quick, easy, and most of all, fun.
If you have any questions, please contact TPS Executive Director Ann T. Shaw at