Call Detail
NC State Wolfpack Art Wall Project
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Entry Deadline: 8/27/21
Application Closed
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 10
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 10
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: North Carolina

Request for Qualifications

Wellness and Recreation Center

North Carolina State University

 Project Summary

Raleigh, NC

WolfPack Wall Relief Art

Project Budget - $200,000 inclusive

Deadline for Submission of Qualifications – July 30, 2021

Eligibility – Professional artists living in the United States




Project Description


NC State University is seeking proposals from artists/teams to create a themed Wolfpack art installation for the newly completed Wellness and Recreation Center at Carmichael Gym, located in the Central Campus precinct.   

The vision for the new building addition was to shape the future of wellness on campus by unifying, celebrating and inspiring active lifestyles of NC State students, faculty and staff.   The project includes expansive workout space (group fitness, mind/body studio, cardio, weights, functional training, personal training, rock climbing, bouldering, etc.) and 4 multi-purpose classrooms to serve Health and Exercise Studies (HES) as well as a Teaching Kitchen/Classroom to promote heathy cooking and eating habits.


NC State University is commissioning an art installation of the Wolfpack Wall, integrated into a large wall (metal stud and drywall) located on the South side of the building’s prominent four-story atrium and is conceptualized as having some 3-dimensionality (relief or sculptural).  The atrium wall is visible from the exterior through a large glazed curtainwall system on the South of the building.

The concept of the art installation of the Wolfpack Wall is to illustrate the attributes of the pack, that live, feed, and travel as a family group. The art installation should represent the strength, confidence, pride, courage, spirit, and passion of NC State. As visitors circulate around the open atrium, we anticipate an emotional moment, a feeling of being part of the pack.

It is envisioned that the installation will be integrated into the existing wall within the atrium.  Current Building Code and ADA requirements will be adhered to, including Flame Spread requirements.  Any structural elements required to support the structure will need to be included in the project budget and the design of such must be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of North Carolina.


The installation must be very durable and easily maintained.  This experience will become part of the new history of the Wellness and Recreation Center and Carmichael Gym at NC State and will be memorable for future generations.  The art installation may involve more than one medium but water and non-durable materials cannot be included in the design.  The installation (objects and or features) must be anchored to prevent removal and the materials should be durable, lasting and vandal resistant. 


Project Scope

The project budget of $200,000 is inclusive of travel, research, design/engineering, fabrication, installation, insurance, taxes, site preparation, and any modifications to the existing building proposed by the artist(s), etc.  Coordination of any impacts with the university’s architect is also part of the scope.  The selected artist will confirm the feasibility of completing the project within the estimated project budget during preliminary design.


Project Site

The project area is at the new Wellness and Recreation Center (Addition to Carmichael Gym) on Central Campus.  Drawings indicating general building location, floor plans, building sections and images of the proposed art wall/atrium location are provided.

View the project site here:


Planned completion of the project is Fall 2022. 


Phase I: Submissions of Qualification Due 11:59 PM (Mountain Time) on July 30, 2021


Application Guidelines (Incomplete submissions will not be accepted)

·       No hard copy qualifications will be accepted.  Provide a single pdf file with all requested information/forms to the Project Manager – Bob Cwikla,

·       Required submission form (attached)

·       A one to two page typewritten letter of interest addressing all of the above selection criteria including a beginning conceptual approach to the project.

·       A current resume (no more than three pages).

·       Up to 10 images of representative projects. Each must be named with the artist’s surname and image number to correspond to an image list (e.g. 01 Smith). 

·       An annotated list including title, media, dimensions, budget, descriptive information, and numbered according to number image.


Artists (team) Selection:  The submission of qualifications will be reviewed by a university committee appointed by the Secretary to the Buildings and Property Committee of the Board of Trustees that includes the standing members of the Public Art Committee, a member of the Campus Design Review Panel, and staff from NC State Wellness and Recreation, Department of Health and Exercise Studies,  and Capital Project Management.


This committee will invite at least 2 or possibly 3 artist/teams to visit the campus during the week of September 20, 2021 to be interviewed and review the site.  A stipend of $3,000 inclusive of all travel expenses for one person for this visit will be paid by the university.  The artist/teams will then submit Sketch proposals by the week of November 1, 2021 .  Final review and choice of artist/team will be made no later than the week of November 15, 2021


Design Process

The selected artist/team will work through the Capital Project Manager, staff from NC State Wellness and Recreation, Health and Exercise Studies and the Office of the University Architect.  The process will follow normal design procedures and University guidelines.


Critical Selection Factors

Demonstrated artistic excellence by makers who have produced visionary and conceptual content and whose project will create an iconic artistic statement will be considered first and foremost.  In addition, the strength of the submitted sketch proposal, the artist(s) previous experience with similar projects, and the demonstrated ability of the artist(s) to complete similar or related projects will also be considered as critical selection factors.


North Carolina State University reserves the right to refuse any or all submissions, to refuse any finalist, to waive informalities in proposals or procedures, or to withhold the award of a commission should it be determined that submissions are not adequate, or for any other reason prior to a written contractual arrangement being reached.

North Carolina State University: Carmichael – Wolf Pack Wall Relief Art Project



Required Submission Form:  To be completed by the artists/team






Physical Address



Email address



Website: (if applicable)



Telephone numbers



Dealer (if applicable)



Please indicate if you are currently employed at a university, college of art or similar?



Location and date of most recent (within the past two years) public/institution commission(s)



What do you consider your most significant artwork?







Application Requirements

Eligibility Criteria