Application Closed
Images | Minimum:Min. 4, Maximum:Max. 8
Video | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 11
Eligibility: Regional
State: Colorado
Event Dates: 8/20/21 - 9/26/21
Budget: 18,800.00
Project in Brief
The Superior Cultural Arts & Public Spaces (CAPS) Advisory Committee invites creative individuals or teams located in Colorado to submit an initial design concept for a light installation to be located in one of two parks of their choosing: Grasso Park or Purple Park, see attached site plans. This temporary winter light art installation will provide the community with a fun, family-friendly light experience during the long winter nights from approximately December 2021 through April 2022. The installation will be scheduled for late-November or mid-December 2021 and remain on display through March or April 2022.
This is a Request for Concepts, for which only a narrative is required; no designs renderings are required at this time. Up to three artists or creative teams will be invited to design a proposal and offered a $400 design proposal fee. The implementation budget is $18,800. Concepts are due 10/10 and the light installation is expected to be up by mid-December.
About the Superior Winter Light Installation Project
In the winter of 2021-2022, CAPS commissioned an immersive light and music experience in Grasso Park, which was extremely popular. It featured a dozen small trees wrapped in lights that were synchronized to music. There were three themes that rotated every two months - Holiday theme, winter blues theme and spring theme.
This year, CAPS envisions another experiential artistic light installation to knock people's socks off! The group is open to ideas and media, but prefers the installation to be somehow interactive and experiential. See creative intent section below.
Selection Process Overview
A CAPS subcommittee will review the applications and select the top three applicants who will be invited to flush out their design concepts and be paid a stipend of $400 for a full proposal. CAPS will review the top three proposals and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on the project to be contracted.
August 20 RFP opens on
October 10, 11:59 PM Deadline to submit application
October 11-13 CAPS subcommittee review applications
October 15 Top three semi-finalists notified and invited to develop full proposals
October 26 Full design proposals to be submitted by top three semi-finalists
October 28 CAPS review top three proposals and make recommendation to Board
November 8 CAPS send recommendation to the Board of Trustee
November -December Schedule installation
March-April Remove installation
Creative Intent
Please consider the following elements for the design concept:
· It may have a holiday theme in December; however, since the life of the project goes through April, a holiday theme is not required or desired beyond December.
· Interactive and/or immersive experience is preferred
· Original and unique
· Demonstrates artistic excellence and quality
· Sensitive to the space and place
· Highly vandal-resistant design and materials and weather-proof
Project Budget
A design proposal fee of $400 will be offered to the top three applicants. The total project budget is $18,800 and shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the project including, but not limited to: design fees, structural and other engineering (as necessary), insurance, materials, fabrication, transportation, installation, site modifications, travel to and from the site, per diem expenses, project documentation, contingency to cover unexpected expenses and any other costs related to the project.
Application Requirements
Visiting the two potential sites is not required but highly encouraged.
Application Process
In applying for the project, applicants will be asked to submit a variety of information listed below to be evaluated by a CAPS subcommittee.
1. Brief letter of Interest: Describe your interest in the project, detail the team composition or individual design background and acknowledge that you can full-fill the tight timeline by including a preliminary project timeline with a contract getting signed by November 8, 2021.
2. Concept Narrative: Prepare a concept narrative of 500 words or less outlining your concept for the light installation, the potential materials to be used and proposed location (Grasso Park of Purple Park). Tell us: Is there any interaction or immersion into the light installation? What will make this experience memorable for people? Please include other technical details, such as power and wifi requirements, etc. Please also include a cost estimate. You may send a sketch of your idea, but it is not required.
3. Work Sample Requirements: Applicants will be required to submit up to 8 digital images and up to three video clips of past design work that is relevant to this project.
4. Work Sample List: Submit a list corresponding to the work sample submitted that describes the images and videos.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicant Eligibility
All applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents and reside in Colorado. Applicants may be emerging in their career or seasoned professionals. Teams that are formed may include: visual artists, graphic designers, story tellers, landscape architects, lighting designers and/or other creative professionals.