Application Closed
Number of Applications Allowed: 20
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 6
Eligibility: National
State: California
Event Dates: 12/1/21 - 11/30/23
Budget: 7,500
Art Without Walls is a new sculpture loan program sponsored by the City of Los Altos Public Arts Commission. Art will be exhibited in business districts, parks and green spaces across our City, which currently showcases 35 loaned and owned pieces of art. This outdoor gallery is open year-round and is free for all visitors.
Exhibit art for two years to the Los Altos community which includes potential buyers. The City of Los Altos Public Arts Commission offers an artist's stipend of $1,500.
Currently we are looking for new works representing a variety of outdoor sculpture styles including: kinetic, lighted, mosaics, and large or small pieces of outdoor sculpture.
About Art Without Walls
Artists whose work is selected for inclusion receive a $1,500 stipend to help cover insurance, transportation and other costs. Both the artist and their work will be promoted through local media and in our Art Without Walls walking tour brochure. Selected work will be on loan for a period of two years.
Size Requirements
Sculptures should have bases measuring from 3' x 3' to 6' x 6'. Other installations will need to fit within the constraints of the selected venues, leaving adequate space for pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
More Information
Detailed information on the Art Without Walls loan program can be found at:
Contact the Los Altos Public Arts Commission at:
(650) 947-2790 or
Application Requirements
All applications must include:
- Completed Entry Form
- Photos
- Minimum of 3 (color) from different perspectives, including 1 close-up of artwork detail
- Labeled with:
- Name of artist
- Title of artwork
- Brief description
- Supplemental statement of additional installation guidelines, if any
- Short biography of the artist
An artist may submit as many art pieces (up to 20) as they would like to be considered for this call for art. Each application should be representative of 1 art piece. The artist should return to the call for art to submit an additional application for each art piece to be considered.
Eligibility Criteria
Art Without Walls is open to all artists whose artwork meets the required sculpture specifications.
The City of Los Altos Public Arts Commission Guidelines for public art can be viewed here.