Application Closed
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 5
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado
Recognizing the hardship that the pandemic, ongoing racial injustice, climate change, and more has brought to the artist community, CaFÉ™ wants to feature the work of artists from the past two years. The goal of this open call is to showcase the resiliency, hope, and endurance around the community of artists that use CaFÉ.
CaFÉ will feature artwork on our website, social media pages, and other spaces to highlight the talent of the thousands of artists who use the platform! This is an open call for images of artwork—all mediums allowed.
The CaFÉ™ team will self-curate the images and there is no jurying involved. CaFÉ™ rotates images on the homepage ( every six months, or more or less frequently as needed. Selected artwork will also be featured weekly on our Instagram page (@callforentry), in addition to our Facebook and Twitter pages. Each work of art will include a credited caption with artwork details provided by each artist in the call application in addition to a brief description of their work and their experience creating art during this time.
CaFÉ™ is managed by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), dedicated to serving artists and arts organizations in the western region.
Application Requirements
Application Requirements:
- Submit 1-5 images of your art, each image will be submitted in an individual application. Only images will be accepted at this time (no video or audio file).
- Provide a brief description of your artwork and your experience as an artist during the widespread challenges of the past two years—including but not limited to the pandemic, ongoing racial injustice, climate change, etc.
Eligibility Criteria
This call is open to all U.S. artists in all locations and mediums.