Application Closed
Images | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 8
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 5, Maximum:Max. 8
Eligibility: National
State: Oregon
The SNAG Educational Endowment Scholarship exists to further educational opportunities for students and professionals looking to broaden their education in the metalsmithing and jewelry field. For the 2022 funding cycle ending June 30, 2023, there is a total of $6000 to be awarded to recipients. The Educational Endowment Scholarship Selection Committee will determine the number and amount of the awards, based on the strength of the applications.
The Educational Endowment Scholarship awards are designated by Student and Professional categories.
All awards are to be used toward a course of study in North America related to the jewelry and metals field and are intended to help further a student’s ability to pursue a career in the field. Award funds are paid directly to the recipient to cover costs of educational expenses. Recipients will be required to give an end of year report documenting the use of scholarship funds and how it benefited their metalsmithing and jewelry education. Each award also includes a one-year SNAG membership.
The Student category defines a student as being enrolled full-time or part-time in any educational program to include college, university, technical college, community college, non-traditional school, and/or any other degree, certificate or non-certificate granting program in North America.
At least one (1) scholarship will be awarded to a student attending a two-year institution and at least one (1) additional scholarship awarded to an undergraduate student.
The Professional Artist category defines a professional as someone who has not been enrolled in a degree or certificate program in the past 3 years but is actively seeking to expand their skill set through enrollment in a course of study in North America related to the jewelry and metals field. For the 2022 Educational Endowment Awards, tenured faculty are not eligible, in an effort to provide more opportunities to artists in less secure positions.
Awards will be based on the strength of applicants’ portfolio, letter of intent, and references.
Application Requirements
- Applicants may submit a MAXIMUM of 8 digital images (including details), with a MINIMUM of 5 images.
- Images MUST represent a minimum of 4 completed pieces.
- Follow CaFÉ™ guidelines for image type, size, information to include, and how to title.
Letter of Intent:
- This letter should include specific information about the applicant’s course of study, career objectives, academic achievement, and other pertinent information about the applicant’s circumstances.
- Limit 2000 characters.
Two (2) Written Recommendations:
- The written recommendation should be made by a person who can speak to the applicant’s work, commitment to education, and individual circumstances.
- The letters of recommendation will be submitted through CAfE.
- Click here for a guide on how to ask for a letter of recommendation.
Resumé or CV (optional):
- Including name, address, contact information, educational history, and work history.
- Include any awards, exhibitions or other scholarships you may have received.
- File must be uploaded through CaFÉ™
Artist Statement (optional):
- limit 1000 characters
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility for Student Scholarships
Student applicants must be committed to a Jewelry or Metals program in North America for the 2022 funding cycle ending June 30, 2023.
Student is defined as being enrolled full-time or part-time in any educational program to include college, university, technical college, community college, non-traditional school, and/or any other degree, certificate or non-certificate granting program in North America.
Eligibility for Professional Artist Scholarships
Professional artists should have not been enrolled in a degree or certificate program in the past 3 years to qualify.
For the 2022 funding cycle, Professional applicants may enroll in a workshop or professional development in any educational program to include college, university, technical college, community college, non-traditional school, and/or any other degree, certificate or non-certificate granting program in North America.
For the 2022 funding cycle, the Selection Committee is reviewing applications from production and fabrication jewelers studying to expand their technical skills, conceptual scope or other essential training.
Funds will be paid directly to the recipient of the award for their stated educational goals. The recipient will be required to submit an end of year report clearly documenting how they used the scholarship funds, including but not limited to receipts, images of resulting work, and a statement about how receiving the award benefited the continued education of the recipient. Final reports must be submitted by June 30, 2023.
If you are uncertain of your eligibility you may contact the EES Committee at