Call Detail
Alamosa ArtScape 2022-2023
Entry Deadline: 2/21/22
Application Closed
Number of Applications Allowed: 3
Work Sample Requirements Images:4

Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: National
State: Colorado

The City of Alamosa is accepting entries for the sixth annual “Alamosa ARTscape” Art on Loan Program. This public art program is open to all professional and amateur artists. Artists may submit up to three works. Judging will take place in March 2022 and 15 pieces will be selected based on their originality and suitability for outdoor display. Submissions must be more than two feet in height and valued at no more than $30,000. Applications are due by February 21, 2022.

The 2022 unveiling will be the sixth year Alamosa has conducted the “Alamosa ARTscape” public art display.  Public art instills meaning; a greater sense of identity and understanding of where we live, work, and visit – creating memorable experiences for all.  Alamosa seeks to display 15 pieces of artwork throughout the downtown in the sixth year of the program. Artwork will remain on display for a one year period. Throughout the display period, community members will be asked to vote for a “People’s Choice Award.” A prize of $1,000 will be awarded to the Artist whose work is selected.

Terms and Conditions

·    The artist will deliver the artwork to the installation site on September 16, 2022.

·    The artwork will be loaned to the City of Alamosa for a one year period.

·    If the artwork is sold as a result of being on display, the City of Alamosa will process the sale and keep 20% of the sale price as a commission.

·    The artwork must be secured and tamper proof on a steel plate to be securely welded on a 24” round pedestal unless noted otherwise as in the case of life-sized sculptures.

·    The City of Alamosa will be responsible for the installation of the artwork with the assistance of the artist at a location selected by the City.

·    The artwork must require little to no maintenance.

·    The City of Alamosa will insure the artwork during the display period against vandalism, theft, or damage to the artwork caused by motor vehicles. The City will not be liable for any degradation to the artwork caused by normal wear and tear or weathering.

·    The City of Alamosa will work to promote and advertise the Artwork throughout the display period.  Promoting will begin the weekend of the installation with an event where artists can meet one another and the public is invited.

·    The Artist will be paid a $750 honorarium upon on time delivery by the City of Alamosa, and two nights lodging in a local hotel on the night prior to installation and night of installation and reception.

·    If the artwork is not installed by September 16, 2022, the artist(s) will forfeit the $750 honorarium.

·       Installation will be part of a broad Alamosa ARTs Festival on September 16-18 in downtown Alamosa. Installation Friday will be followed by a public-invited artist’s reception on Friday evening, and other events with partners Society Hall and the Alamosa Farmers’ Market on Saturday.

Important Dates:
February 21, 2022 - Application Due
After April 5, 2022 - Selection Notification
September 16, 2022 – Installation
September 16-18 2022 – Alamosa ARTs Festival 

About Alamosa

Alamosa is the central trade community of the San Luis Valley in south-central Colorado – a region made up of six rural counties covering 8,193 square miles and bordered by two mountain ranges, the Sangre de Cristo on the east and the San Juan on the west. The population of the City of Alamosa (2014) is approximately 9,115 people and Alamosa county‘s population is 15,870 (2014). We are located approximately four hours southwest of Denver and two hours northwest of Santa Fe/Taos. The Valley, the largest alpine desert in North America, sits at an elevation of 7,800 feet. In the 1850s, Hispanic families from New Mexico were the first to establish permanent settlements in the Valley and the area is home to third and fourth generation Spanish settlement families. Alamosa is a close-knit rural community built on agriculture, health-care, and education economic sectors. A "strong sense of community" is consistently cited as the top reason why residents like living in Alamosa.

About the ArtScape Program

2021 People’s Choice Award $1,000 – Balance in the Fray by Cie Hoover

15 Sculpture have been purchased from the ARTscape exhibit in the first five rounds.

Application Requirements


Eligibility Criteria