Call Detail
Roundabout Art Selection: US20 at Locust Street
Entry Deadline: 9/13/24
Days remaining to deadline: 53
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 6
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Regional
State: Oregon
Budget: $175,000


The City of Sisters is conducting a search for an original, large scale, interpretive public artwork. The artwork is to be a permanent installation, situated in the roundabout at the intersection of US20 and Locust Street in Sisters, Oregon. This is the second roundabout in Sisters and is located at the East entrance to the city. This roundabout is a new transportation feature that will facilitate a combination of vehicular, freight, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic, and provide a visual gateway to the City of Sisters and the surrounding area.

The center of this roundabout is designed to feature interpretive artwork that expresses the theme of the Sisters area Western Heritage and Culture. This installation will serve as a “Welcome” feature to visitors of Sisters as well as the Central Oregon Region.

The city and its partners recognize that artwork, well-integrated with the landscape architecture for the roundabout center island, will provide a safer intersection with a visual focal point that results in lower traffic speeds in addition to an aesthetic enhancement for the community. 

The scope of this project will include sculpture design, fabrication, transportation, and installation. 

Sisters, Oregon

Long before Sisters was settled, Native American tribes traversed through the region leaving traces of their paths over the Cascade Mountains which overtime became the routes for wagon roads.  For years, Sisters was a supply station for sheepherders who passed through town on their way to grazing pastures in the Cascades. Contributing further to the growth of Sisters was the lumber industry. Extensive tracks of pine forest prompted the siting of several sawmills near town. By 1930, Sisters was primarily known as a lumber-producing town.

Current day Sisters is well known as an arts-centric community that is full of visionary leaders, storytellers, and artisans of all types. The city hosts many events including the Sisters Rodeo, Outdoor Quilt Show, and a Folk Festival. It is perfectly situated in a unique, alpine-to-high-desert environment full of natural beauty, recreational abundance, and four-season access.

Application Requirements

  • Phase 1: Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
  • Phase 2: Request for Proposals (RFP)

Project Budget

The total project budget for this commission is $175,000 to include permit fees, stamped engineering drawings, subcontractors, footings/excavation, delivery, insurance, travel, restorative landscaping, installation, and a traffic mitigation plan (signage and flaggers) as per the City and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) permit requirements. Only Finalists will submit an itemized budget for the proposed project.

Artist Submission Requirements

Artists and Artist Teams applying must submit all the following information by September 13, 2024. Artist Teams, please submit only one application. Late applications will not be considered.

1.  Artist Statement – No more than 4000 characters

  • Contact Information (name, address, phone, email, website).
  • Description of most relevant comparable project experience from the last 12 years.
  • Description of your interest in working on this specific project.

2.   Site-Specific Concept Design 

Submit one (1) concept design comprising a maximum of four samples that depicts the use of the space from at least two perspectives. The concept should be inspired by the Western heritage and culture of the Sisters area.

3. Six (6) digital images of completed past works of art or public art. 

With each sample, please include title, medium, dimensions, year completed, budget and city/state. Work samples must be from the last 12 years showcasing sculptures/installations in outdoor spaces. Artists are encouraged to submit images of large-scale art that they have fabricated for other projects. (Do not submit images of indoor works of art). 

All materials must be submitted in digital format according to the specifications outlined by CaFÉ. The Committee will not review supplemental information beyond what is requested. Failure to provide any of the published requirements will result in disqualification from the competition. The initial submission consists of the artist’s general qualifications and experience on project(s) of similar scope and intent; and a  proposal of a site-specific concept. Finalists will be expected to submit a model relevant to the project.

Finalists Selected Based on the Following Criteria:

  • Artist Statement
  • Comparable Project Experience
  • Artistic excellence on image samples
  • Site-specific concept

The committee will evaluate all submissions based on artistic excellence, innovation, interactivity, originality, and the work’s ability to enhance the natural landscape and enliven this public space. The selection criteria will require artists to demonstrate experience with public art projects, using materials suitable for public outdoor settings, site-specific design, and collaborating with other artists, architects, engineers, and fabricators. The potential to create an impactful design for this public art project will score highly on the evaluation criteria.

Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools

Artists using artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of their proposal must identify the use of AI in the information accompanying each image.

Selection Process

Phase 1 (RFQ): A selection committee will select up to four Finalists using the above criteria. The Finalists will then create a physical 3D model from their site-specific concept. The model will be brought or sent to the City of Sisters for final review. A stipend for travel and design time of $1,750 will be offered to help Finalists cover travel expenses to Sisters, Oregon, and to present their project narrative and model to the Committee.  Each model will also be put on display for public viewing and input.  Public input will guide the Committee in their evaluation of the proposed artwork designs. 

Phase 2 (RFP): Each of the Finalists will present their model and narrative to the selection committee in person or via Zoom. The model must be either brought in person or sent to the City prior to the presentation. The Committee will make their decision based on eligibility and the scoring criteria described above.

Finalists will be required to include with the model a written narrative describing the proposed materials, the proposed location within the roundabout center island, how the proposal meets the above general requirements and specific parameters, and a schedule for commencing and completing the proposed Artwork for delivery and installation. Artists should also include a budget detailing anticipated fees, foundation engineering, materials, travel, etc. 

Submissions will also be reviewed by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to determine their suitability for use on a state highway system and structural integrity. ODOT holds the right to reject any submission if it is determined not to comply with public safety/highway operations requirements. 

The Committee, with input from the public, will select a Finalist using the selection criteria. City staff will then make a recommendation of the selected artist(s) to the Sisters City Council. The City Council will make the final selection of the artist(s) and artwork.

Public Safety/Highway Operations Requirements

 Proposed art must comply with ODOT public safety/highway operations requirements.

 1.      Safety is a primary concern, therefore Artwork allowed to be placed on the state highway system must be found by State to not diminish the safety of travelers or the state highway system.

2.      The design of the Artwork will be coordinated with the aesthetic design of the highway system and all of its features taking into consideration the roadway design, the clear zone, travelers and the environment.

3.      The design of all Artwork must incorporate long lasting materials and construction techniques that will require minimal care and resist vandalism and must be no larger than a size and scale that is compatible with the surrounding area and landscape.

Artwork must:

  • Comply with the Placement of Artwork on State Highway Right of Way (Highway Division Directive Hwy 01)
  • Be of a size and scale that fits within the allowable area (Artwork Design Clear Zone), must be coordinated to match the aesthetic design of the roundabout, and not demand a driver’s attention to cause distraction from blinking or bright lights, glaring materials, or reflective surfaces.
  • Be placed in compliance with Artwork Design Clear Zone requirements as determined by ODOT.
  • Not imitate a traffic control device.
  • Not have moving elements or water, nor simulate movement.
  • Not have elements that would cause the proposed Artwork to obscure the form of the roundabout, nor be a distraction to (e.g., not cause glare for, nor impair the safe vision of) motorists and other travelers.
  • Not attract pedestrians nor cyclists to the center island area.
  • Not contain text, interpretation of the Artwork, information on the artist, nor advertising or other form of a commercial message (business, product, or brand name, logo, phone number, web page, etc.), nor represent or pay tribute to a specific individual.
  • Utilize long lasting materials and construction techniques which will require minimal care and resist vandalism.
  • Must utilize shielded illumination to prevent light from being directed at the highway and of such low intensity or brilliance as to not cause glare or impair vision of motorists on the highway and must meet all state and local illumination codes.
  • Not have any foundation or base of the artwork installation exposed more than 4 inches above the ground.
  • Utilize breakaway features or frangible materials to the maximum extent feasible.

 Elements within the Art Zone:

  • Shall consist of materials and features that are not likely to cause rapid and uncontrolled deceleration or redirection of a vehicle.
  • Shall be limited to a vertical height such that if the feature falls, it would not be anticipated to enter the Central Island Clear Zone.

Materials used within the roundabout must retain existing permeability for drainage. If materials will impact drainage, a drainage plan stamped by an Oregon Professional Engineer will be required. Any foundations, supports, or grading/slope changes within the central island of the roundabout shall be stamped by an Oregon Professional Engineer

Project Timeline 

  • Call to Artists announced: July 12, 2024
  • Application Due: September 13, 2024 (11pm PST)
  • Notification of Finalists (Phase 1): Late-September 2024
  • Model design and fabrication time: October - November 2024
  • Artist presentation of models and narrative (Phase 2): Dec 2024/Jan 2025
  • Public input (2-3 weeks): January 2025
  • Commission selection:  February 2025
  • Installation: Summer/Fall 2025

 Additional Resources

 Reference Drawings & Maps:

  1. City of Sisters
  2. Central Oregon
  3. Site Details
  4. Aerial Images

 Artist(s) Resources:

  1. Highway Division Directive Hwy 01
  2. US20 at Locust Street Artwork Design Clear Zone
  3. City of Sisters Vision:
  4. City of Sisters Development Code – 2.15.2200 Public Art
  5. “Oregon’s Sisters Country” by Raymond R, Hatton – in print
  6. “That was Yesterday” by Tillie Wilson and Alice Scott – in print
  7. Explore Sisters,
  8. Sisters Arts Association,
  9. Three Sisters Historical Society,
  10. Oregon Historical Society,


Questions about the project may be directed to Kerry Prosser, at Assistance in using the CaFE system is available at or by calling 303-629-1166. CAFE support is available Monday-Friday from 8:30 am- 5:00 pm MDT


Eligibility Criteria

All applications must be submitted through this CaFÉ Call for Artists.

Open to Artists and Artist Teams residing in the Northwest and Southwest United States, specifically Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Women, LGBTQIA+ community members are highly encouraged to apply. Artists living in Oregon are highly encouraged to apply.

A State of Oregon W-9 is required for finalists; please contact for a W-9 form. The Artist(s) selected for this commission will be required to enter into a professional services agreement with the City of Sisters.

The Artist(s) that receives the Commission (if out-of-state and/or using a business name) may need to secure a Registered Agent (an official address in Oregon) and then register with the State of Oregon as a domestic or foreign entity (anyone outside Oregon) and provide a certificate of good standing from the State that you reside in. This is standard practice for most public entities and may be a necessary step and expense as we finalize the Commission Contract. The Artist must also submit proof of $2,000,000 in general liability insurance and other insurances as outlined in the contract.

Committee members, City of Sisters employees and Oregon Department of Transportation staff are not eligible for this project.