Days remaining to deadline: 2
Images | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 3
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 3, Maximum:Max. 3
Eligibility: Regional
State: Maryland
Budget: $1,500 per site
Art design concepts should be forward thinking, vibrant, and upbeat. Themes of transit can be included in the art but are not a requirement to be selected. The artwork design should be affirming and inspirational, evoking positivity. The artwork may relate to the location in design and content. For example, art could connect visually to the site or interpret historical, environmental, decorative, architectural, scientific, or cultural aspects of the site.
Artwork should be designed to last at least five years. Artwork may be open to the weather, and any permanent damage to the artwork may result in its early removal.
Application Requirements
· Application Form including name and contact information
· Resume or CV
· At least three (3) image samples (pdf, png, jpeg) documenting completed artworks, designs, or models
· Preferred location(s) for installation of public artwork, if applicable
· A written description explaining the concept of the proposed artwork, focusing on how it reflects inspiration and evokes positivity. A description of the materials of the artwork must be included, explaining the durability of the materials and any unique maintenance requirements.
Eligibility Criteria
· This opportunity is open to emerging or professional artists over the age of 18.
· Howard County-based artists are encouraged to submit proposals.
- Staff or employees of the Howard County Government are not eligible to apply.