Call Detail
Happy Valley Sculpture Garden 2025-2027

Entry Deadline: 3/31/25
Days remaining to deadline: 22
Number of Applications Allowed: 3
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 4
Total Samples | Minimum:Min. 1, Maximum:Max. 4
Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Regional
State: Oregon
Budget: $1,000 Per Sculpture Selected

Happy Valley is a thriving, multicultural community of 27,500 neighbors. Many residents identify as Asian (26.1 percent), of two or more races (9.6 percent), and/or Hispanic or Latino (6.4 percent). Moreover, our beautiful nature areas, safe neighborhoods, and vibrant business community contribute to making our town a wonderful place to call home.

The Happy Valley Sculpture Garden Program is a tool for integrating outdoor art into public spaces, promoting public participation and interaction with artists and artwork, and preserving the local cultural environment and livability. While on exhibit, artwork is leased to the City, allowing the program to exhibit many pieces over time.

The Happy Valley Public Art Committee seeks up to eight artists to participate in the July 2025 – June 2027 Sculpture Garden exhibit at Happy Valley City Hall.

Artist submissions may include proposed, partially, or fully completed sculptures. Artists may submit 1-3 applications (one sculptural entry per application, represented by 1- 4 views of the artwork).

Application Requirements

Program Benefits

  • $1,000 honorarium per sculpture exhibited
  • Promotion on Webpage, including Artist Profile
  • City may promote art as “for sale” during exhibition
  • Installation/de-installation services, interpretative signage and photography provided

Locational Description

Display pads are located at Happy Valley City Hall (16000 SE Misty Drive) and Happy Valley Library (13793 SE Sieben Park Way).

How to Apply

To submit your artwork, an online application must be completed through the website CaFE. Artists may submit 1-3 applications (one sculptural entry per application, represented by 1- 4 views of the artwork). If you are applying with more than one sculpture, submit the first application and then return to Apply to Calls and apply again to this call. 

First time users of CaFE will be prompted to create an account. When developing your application, please be prepared to provide:

  • Artist contact information
  • Sculpture information, including sculpture dimensions, base dimensions, weight, materials used, and a short description.
  • At least one image per sculpture submitted. Images should accurately represent a sculpture in scale, media, and color. Photos/drawings/sketches/renderings must be in digital form.
  • Market value of each sculpture
  • Optional:
    • Demographic information
    • Resume/CV

The City may assist in language translation and accept non-digital applications by request.

Selection Criteria

Artwork will be selected by the Happy Valley Public Art Committee based on locational context, artistic merit, maintainability, and size/weight criteria. Proposed, partially completed and fully completed artworks may be considered. Accessibility restrictions will be considered in reviewing sculptures.

Technical Specifications

Sculptures must be of suitable scale for outdoor public art and compatible with provided display pads:

  • Artwork must be freestanding and cannot exceed 10 ft tall.
  • Sculptures exceeding 1,000 lbs. will be assessed based on City’s ability to install without requiring special equipment.
  • Sculptures must require minimal maintenance and withstand the effects of weather, be as resistant as possible to vandalism, able to safely withstand pedestrian contact and must not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  • Sculptures must be fitted, before delivery, with a ¼-inch (minimum) steel plate - ranging in size of 24 – 28 inches in diameter. Concrete pads, with a 30-inch steel plate for welding sculpture to pad, are provided by the City for the display of each sculpture.

Timeline and Next Steps

  • Thank you for your application! Submissions will undergo a staff technical review and be paneled by the Art Committee in April. Applicants will be notified of selection the week of May 19, 2025.
  • Selected artists will enter into a two-year lease agreement with the City. Artists selected for partial and concept sculptures will also submit a timeline for completion, as well as progress updates.
  • Sculptures must be ready for exhibition and installation on or about July 1, 2025. Artwork that cannot be installed by the installation deadline will be disqualified.
  • Artists will deliver sculptures and be present during installation/de-installation. The City will provide a welder and crane to perform installation services. Note: The City reserves the ability to decline art that differs from selected work or does not meet standards of durability, safety, and quality. The City will insure exhibited artwork against damages while on display.

Resource Toolbox

We are invested in your success. Provided below are a series of resources that may assist in proposal development:

Eligibility Criteria


The Art Committee seeks to exhibit artwork through inclusive processes. Applications are welcomed from people of all backgrounds, abilities, and disabilities. Students, emerging artists, and artists from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and other historically underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

This exhibition opportunity is open to artists residing in Alaska, California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington. Artists must transport sculptures to and from the City at their own cost.